Gender equality and familiy support

The TUM management considers gender equality and equal opportunity as integral parts of its strategic alignment. Gender equality is prominently represented in the TUM mission statement, the TUM charter, the university development plan and the target agreements with the Ministry of Education.
Events and Workshops

Child Care
The RTG2668 assist in organizing emergency child care support (e.g. sick child or caregiver) and we will provide child care during CRC retreats and workshops in cooperation with the TUM School of Medicine coordination office for equal opportunities and career planning (KeCK).
The TUM School of Medicine runs a nursery and a kindergarten at the University Hospital rechts der Isar for its employees and students. Link to childcare center
All trainees and PIs of the RTG can use the KeCK family room which is located at Ismaninger Str. 69 (Tram Holbeinstr.) on the 2nd floor. For registration of the family room please contact:
Useful Links
TUM School of Medicine coordination office for equal opportunities and career planning (“Koordinierungsstelle für Chancengleichheit und Karriereplanung” = KeCK)